I would send you a quick note on the boys. They're doing
well and both growing quickly. Their personalities have
further developed... Bledsoe is still bigger and more outgoing. Brady
is just a little bit smaller. He darts to a favorite hiding
space whenever he hears a loud noise. Last night's fireworks
sent him packing.
is the trouble-maker, and I say that with affection. He
acts much more dog-like. Bledsoe comes when I call him,
is constantly playful, and rarely spends the day sleeping (like
most cats I've seen... and Brady). He also has a powerful
nose. I've been forced to constantly move their food from
room-to-room and cabinet-to-cabinet, because Bledsoe sniffs
it out, then claws and paws the doors til he gets to it.
any rate, just thought I'd let you know that they're doing fine.
haven't written to you in a while but I wanted to write and
let you know how Boo was doing. I got her from you about
a year or so ago.
is doing awesome, and my husband really loves her. Remember
he didn't like her because she was a big scardy at first.
has taken over the house and was putting the run on the
dogs. They stay clear of her!!
can't thank you enough for her. She is something else.
Hi from Michigan, Arlene!
From Max and Beast as well as me, hello! How are you doing
out there?
The boys are great, learning all about the world and so fun
to watch and love. They have settled in to a routine and
seem extremely happy and well adjusted. They eat like pigs
and although Beast is loooong and rangey-looking, Max remains
very tough and compact. I'd guess Beast is about 8 1/2
lbs. now whereas Max is 7 1/2 lbs, -- him I weighed yesterday.
Beast is developing a good deal of reddish brown orange type
color around his face; he is just spectacular. Max's spots
have darkened and he has the most intriguing coat! His
symmetry is unbelievable. We think they are both just absolutely
They go outside in their cages, but prefer to run free. We're
with them and watching as they do this -- back & forth in
the yard, watching the deer and so forth. They stay pretty
close -- so far. I am always aware that their hormones
could make them want to wander, so we walk with them. They
like it best when they get lots of burrs in their fur.
Let me know how everyone out there is doing; send any recent
photos you may have and we will do the same from here. How
are Tika & Smooth Talker doing? OK I hope. As
you can tell, I'd love any news.
Take care
are in great shape this morning: Both little boys are soooo
sweet, sweet. Feather is the most trusting soul. He could lay
purring forever when I comb him. You certainly deserve the highest
praise for socialization, good socialization is forever. You
are, I know and absolutely should be, very proud of these babies.
They are beautiful in every way.
will work in fine, still a little hesitant around the towering
dogs. But they are very comfortable with my 4 mo old Savannah
(he's showing them the ropes).
Big Stuff, is whopping. How much does he weigh and what's the
diameter of that table? If anyone adopts the babies here, it
may well be my 20+ pound, 2 year old F1 Fishing Cat hybrid.
babies are in the kitchen with tons of food and water, toys,
and a snuggly bed. The door is lattice and they can squeeze
thru with no trouble into the hallway if they want to. I'm in
my office just across the hall and can hear anything going on
in there.
know you miss them. But rest assured, they have a very good
home. This morning, they even had freshly steamed "Jennio's"
extra lean ground turkey.
will give Poppy and Feather kisses from you. I didn't know that
I would instantly love them as much as I do.
you so much!! Our baby is great! We named her Lexx. She is doing
very well & Mike (the Russian blue) loves her - he is cuddling
up with her at night and giving her lots of baths! She has such
a wonderful temperament - not as spazzy like most kittens. We
will send pictures as she grows!
IS BEAUTIFUL! She is exactly what we wanted. What a
doll! Our new arrival is doing wonderful. She is now
taking a well deserved nap. That is for now... After all
my three kids (5 years, 4 years, and 7 months) can't hardly
keep their grubby little hands off of her. Thank's again
for everything!
an update for you. Natasha was spayed last Friday with no
problems. She stayed at the vets overnight, and when she came
home she was extra "clingy". Naturally we didn't
mind holding her even more than usual. I don't think she
liked her first night away from people and her brother. She felt great
though, and when not sitting on us, she was running and playing
like usual.
(the snow leopard) has an amazing personality. Jack has had his computer
out of service while upgrading it, but he is finished and will e-mail
you some pictures soon. He is so round and fluffy, and breaks
into loud purring if you even look at him.
(clouded leopard) is even more beautiful now, and has the sweetest disposition. When
I pick him up he just goes limp and purrs - he's like a big
rag doll.
guess it's time to quit singing praises of the kitties and get
to work.
and Julie wrote:
is the young couple Julie and Erick, now with a healthy, happy,
baby girl named Zoe. We adopted the young cat, Toughie, last spring
and just want to let you know how much a part of the family
she's become. It's too bad that not all babies are as well
behaved as she is... Anyways we call her Selma most of the
time and love her as part of the family, in fact everyone loves
her, even friends of ours who hate cats! She comes from a great
breed of cat indeed.
and Kathy wrote:
computer crashed and I lost your personal email address. I
hope this gets to you. Click on this website to see pictures
of Samson. He is getting big. He is the coolest
cat I have ever seen and handled!! If we had room we would
buy another one from you. He is so personable that he cries
if you don't pick him up when you come home. He follows
us around every where we go and we have to be careful not to
trip over him. He is fearless and enjoys chasing the vacuum
cleaner, mop, broom. He is a real pleasure to have around. Keep
up the good work.
Just thought I'd let you know Giz was in for his shot this week
and another nail clipping. He weighs 3#1 ounces. Gets
his rabies shot in January. Everyone at the vet's is
totally in love with him, and all must hold, cuddle
and kiss him. My daughter and son-in-law are in love
with him too. He
is so cute, but what a little temper he has - and has no fear
of anything.
haven't forgotten about pictures - have just been busy as heck
getting ready for the holidays-as I sure you have.
is walking around with a toy mouse hanging out of his mouth at
the moment. I really thank you for letting us have him-couldn't
have gotten a better kitty anywhere!
really hope everything is o.k. With you...as for me and Phoebe
(kitten) and everyone else in the family we are great, Phoebe
is such a love she has brought so much joy to our lives....she
is quite entertaining, she keeps us laughing all the time....Even
people who "don't like cats" fall in love with her....well
I just wanted you to know she is much loved!
Morning. I just wanted to let you know how our Baby Doll
is doing. She comes running when I get home from work now. She loves
her tummy rubbed and she loves to play with her toys. I've
come up with two names to submit for her. Our first
choice is Crystal Blue Persuasion (Crystal) or Miss Behaving
(Missy). She sure is a pretty girl. She seems to like
my old dog. I'll keep in touch and let you know how she's doing
as time goes on.